Smart working: work better, be happier
At Galdi, smart working is already taking shape!

Our challenge – to become leaner, more mobile and better connected in our workplace and beyond, also thanks to homeworking – is an ambitious one. While technologies are certainly helpful, they aren't but a means towards our broader objective of improving the quality of our working life.
Indeed, we believe that a more flexible, pleasant and stimulating environment increases productivity, collaboration and motivation, and allows us to attract talents who share our attitude.
We came up with the idea by asking ourselves: how can we create a more enjoyable and rewarding experience in the workplace? How can we improve our work-life balance? Finally, how do we convince our whole team to embrace change as an opportunity to get bigger and better?
As a matter of fact, smart working requires a cultural transition, from the old paradigm of productivity as largely dependent on the number of hours spent at one's desk to an organization based on promoting results. The benefits are obvious: more working time autonomy, flexible hours and enhanced sharing and recreational opportunities for the whole team.
These are the first steps to develop greater empowerment and self-management, while promoting the exchange of ideas and intensifying communication among our people.
Of course, our wellbeing is essential too. That's why the company has introduced postural training classes, held in a comfy multipurpose room.
In addition, our garden now hosts a fully appointed area to be used as an outdoor meeting or co-creation space. Meanwhile, to further encourage our people to interact and unwind, the coffee break area has been equipped with comfortable tables where to work on one's laptop or just exchange a few words.
Our commercial and marketing offices have also been involved in the smart revolution. After a recent study showed that an average of 50 percent of our workstations remained empty, we decided to replace them with an open space equipped with shared, interchangeable desks offering greater flexibility according to the project or task.
Thanks to this conceptual and functional reorganization based on the coworking model, we managed to find new space for state-of-the-art meeting rooms connected to the outside world.
Indeed, in the next few months, some of our colleagues will be testing out the opportunity to work from outside the company one day per month – yet another step towards smart working, getting us closer to becoming a future-oriented workplace.